In any serious country, state, organization, or individual, education is a vital sector that cannot be taken lightly, and as a result, an individual, organization, or government will go to great lengths to ensure that her citizens receive a high-quality educational experience. Education is a vital sector that cannot be taken lightly by any serious country (Adibe, 2001). One of the mechanisms by which this provision is made is via the establishment of computer science as a programme of study at polytechnics. Computer science is the study of the design and use of computer systems. It is divided into two categories: theoretical and applied. One of the goals of the computer science department is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize problems that can best be handled by using a computer and to create and execute efficient, cost-effective, and innovative solutions. A formal academic field such as computer science is divided into three domains: theory and abstraction, as well as design and implementation.
The mandatory courses in the curriculum provide students with a solid foundation in both the software and hardware components of computers, as well as the mathematics and physics that serve as the cornerstone for the field. The electives offered in the latter years enable students to specialize in a specific field of computer science by studying it in more depth. The department's courses and programs are constantly evolving to meet the needs of students seeking professional employment in the field of computer science. It is the student's obligation to comprehend and comply with all polytechnic and departmental regulations. These requirements are described in detail below, and the polytechnic has gone a long way to ensure that those individuals (computer operators) are retained in a variety of capacities:
The acquisition of formal education in computer science, as well as full registration as members of the Nigerian Computer Society are two goals.
Iii To limit the number of non-professionals working in the sector.
A computer is an electronic device that is capable of receiving, sorting, and retrieving information at incredible speeds. When used effectively, computers can assist teachers in teaching computer science students visually in all computer courses. With this study, which is based on an evaluation of the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science majors in selected Nigerian polytechnics, we hope for a better understanding of the teaching methods that are used in the teaching of computers courses.
As described by McCathy (1989), common teaching methods include the lecture method, the lecture with discussion method, a panel of experts, Brainstorming, videotapes, class discussions, case studies, role playing, report-back sessions, worksheets/surveys, an index card activity, a guest speaker, and a values clarification exercise. It is stated in the IPSJ Journal (2001) that the way of teaching computer science in a department of liberal arts is from technique (creation) to theory (abstraction), and that the method of teaching computer science is from practices to lecture. If you have a real classroom, you'll find that there are a common set of equipment and tools. This often includes audio-visual equipment such as textbooks, chalkboards, a video-visual video player, and a tape recorder.
Teachers of computer courses in Nigerian schools aim to provide students with the required information and skills to identify issues that may be addressed using computer systems, as well as to create and execute efficient computer-based solutions for such problems. Another goal of the study is to provide the intellectual groundwork for future professional growth in the field of medicine (McCathy, 1989). The capacity of students to think rationally is an important component of this research. Many computer courses need students to be acquainted with fundamental principles, and this is a must.
However, there are several issues that need to be addressed, such as: - a scarcity of lecturers to teach computer courses.
- A scarcity of instructional materials
Lack of application of computers to real-world situations in their curriculum of study is a major problem.
- An extreme abnormal aversion or fear of mathematics, as well as a dread of doing mathematics (which is one of the credits necessary to study computer science).
The general objectives of the study is the assessment of teachers teaching methods of computer science student.
The following questions have been prepared for the study:
This study will be significant to computer science students to know teaching methods both old and new. It will help them to understand that developments in computer science will make new applications profitable and new method viable.
The study will also be significant to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.
The study will examine if participatory teaching methods helps in teaching computer science. The study will also find out if role playing in class as a teaching technique improves computer science student academic performance. Lastly, the study will evaluate how teachers teaching method can be improved in other for good grade in computer science. Hence this study will be delimited to Kwara State University
The researcher encountered a lot of problems such as limited time provided for this study.
Furthermore, the researcher encountered the problem of limited number of respondents since some of the respondents have not filled questionnaire of this type before.
Computer: An electronic device that can accept data, process it and give result/ information under automatically stores program.
Computer science: The study of the design and use of computer system. It is a chameleonic discipline.
Teaching:Is a sublime communion of ideas whereby an inquisitive soul gets to open up to the light of knowledge
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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